開催日 | 2022年06月11日(土) |
スケジュール |
セミナー内容 |
場所 参加方法 | ウェブセミナー形式にて開催 |
費用 | 無料 |
用意するもの | メモをご用意ください |
対象 |
ゲストスピーカー | ◆Mr. Michael Lyons, International Affairs Manager Mr. Lyons has worked within international education for over 25 years. He and has experience living and working in diverse cultures within Asia, Africa, South and Central America, Europe and most recently, he served as the director of internaitonal students for five years at a top university in the Middle East. As the International Affairs Manager within the University of California’s Division of Continuing Education his primary focus is working with agencies and universities around the world to establish partnership agreements and give presentations to prospective international students. He has a passion for travel, which has been very limited over the past two years. However, living in Laguna Beach, which is about ten kilometres from UCI, is a beautiful destination to take international students on a tour to explore the local beaches, tide pools, and amazing marine life. Taking students on local tours is a great way to to experience the beauty of Southern California and for students to have an incredible experience during their academic program. Mr. Lyons truly looks forward to welcoming you to UCI and personally greeting you when you arrive. He hopes to see you at UCI and sunny Southern California soon! |

1965年に設立され、南カリフォルニアの新しい街アーバイン市の発展と共に、わずか40年弱の間に全米州立大学ランキングのトップ10に選出されるようになったカリフォルニア大学アーバイン校のエクステンション(UCI DCE)。
*携帯メールアドレスをご使用の方は、「送信ボタン」をクリックする前に、弊社@iae-ryugaku.net からのメールが受信できるようドメイン指定の解除をお願いします。
